  • 06 Apr 2023
  • Super Admin

  • Class Name : Class 8
  • Subject Name: Mathematics
  • Chapter Name : Rational Numbers

Rational Numbers

Rational Numbers are represented in the form of where p and q are integers and q # 0

Lowest form of a Rational Number - A Representation in the form where p and q have no common factors other than 1. In other words if p and q are co-prime to each other then that rational number is said to be in its Lowest Form.

Rational are Closed under Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication.

Multiplication and Addition of Rational Numbers is Commutative and Associative.

0 is the Additive Identity for a Rational Number and 1 is the Multiplicative Identity of a Rational Number.

Rational Numbers can be represented on a Number Line.

There are Infinite Rational Numbers between any two Rational Numbers.